Sacagawea Dollar

- Sacagawea Dollar Coin Value Chart
- Sacagawea Dollar Price Guide
- Sacagawea Dollar 2000 P Worth
- Sacagawea Dollar No Date
The 2000 Sacagawea Dollar (Buy on eBay) represented the debut issue for the new dollar coin series. The official circulation release date was January 27, 2000. The launch was accompanied by major promotional efforts from the United States Mint that included print ads, television commercials, and cross promotions such as the placement of a limited number of Sacagawea Dollars within boxes of Cheerios.
Sacagawea Dollars Products (Total Items: 50) 2000 S Sacagawea Dollar NGC PF69 Ultra Cameo: 6 In Stock: Your Price. Sacagawea Dollars The Sacagawea Golden Dollar was first issued in the year 2000. In 2009 the series under went a change to honor Native Americans and assumed the title of the Native American Dollar Coin. We carry brilliant uncirculated specimens of these coins as well as proof versions.
The US Mint would produce more than one billion of the new “Golden Dollar” coins during the inaugural year. Unfortunately they never achieved widespread circulation. This failure is often attributed to the continued presence of dollar bills, which the public preferred over the coins. The number of Sacagawea Dollars minted for circulation would decline significantly by the second year and cease all together.
Sacagawea Dollar Coin Value Chart
A number of special versions of the 2000 Sacagawea Dollar were available for collectors. The 5,500 coins that were distributed in boxes of Cheerios were later identified to have a pattern design, which differed from the final design used for circulation. Examples of the so-called “Cheerios Sacagawea Dollar” quickly gained popularity and continue to command high premiums.
Sacagawea Dollar Price Guide
The designer of the obverse of the coin Glenna Goodacre received her $5,000 commission in the new dollar coins. Known as the “Goodacre Presentation Sacagawea Dollars,” the coins were struck on burnished blanks and have a proof like appearance. All 5,000 coins were encapsulated by ICG to permanently identify their unique origin. Some of the coins were subsequently crossed over into holders of other grading companies, although the provenance was preserved.
Finally, the US Mint released a special Millennium Coinage and Currency Set limited to 75,000 units. The set contained a 2000 American Silver Eagle, 2000-D Sacagawea Dollar, and one dollar bill including the number “2000” within the serial number. The Sacagawea Dollars contained in the set had a burnished surface and are identified as “Millennium Set” coins.
2000 Sacagawea Dollar Mintages
Sacagawea Dollar 2000 P Worth
2000-P: 767,140,000
2000-P Cheerios: 5,500
2000-P Goodacre: 5,000
2000-D: 518,916,000
2000-D Millennium Set: 75,000
2000-S Proof: 4,047,904

Sacagawea gold dollar coins were minted first from 2000 until 2008 and again with different reverse designs starting in 2009. These are popular coins but well over a billion have been minted since 2000. There are a couple of special varieties that are collectible like the 2000-P Cheerios coin. However, your regular strike Sacagawea coins are still just worth $1 and will likely only be worth a dollar for the foreseeable future. A moderate exception would be that some of the older rolls do sell for a very small premium over their face value. All Sacagawea coins, while gold in color, have absolutely no precious metals value. They are made of copper, manganese, brass, zinc, and nickel. Despite their limited collector value, Sacagaweas are still a fun coin with a lot of history.
Our guide at the bottom of this page lists the mintage figures and historical information about all the various Sacagawea coins from different years. Here are some quick facts that collectors might find of interest:
Sacagawea Dollar No Date

-The legal authorization to mint a new dollar coin was passed in 1997, but the first coins were not released until January 2000.
-The general public actually preferred a coin showing the statue of liberty, but the Sacagawea design was selected by the officials in charge of the coin. Thanks to the coin, today Sacagawea is widely recognized. She was certainly not a household name in the late 1990s before the coin was released to the public.
-No images of the actual person Sacagawea exist (she died in 1812). The woman pictured on the coin is actually a 22 year old college student named Randy’L He-dow Teton.
-Most Sacagaweas are used in the United States in vending machines or hoarded by collectors who hope the coins will someday be worth a lot of money. We don’t see the coins too much in commerce for that reason. However, the USD is an official currency in Ecuador and Sac dollars are the preferred day to day denomination in Ecuador.
Design 2000-2008:
Sacagawea has her infant in a papoose over her shoulder. Her son was named Jean Baptiste Charbonneau. The back of the coin features a more familiar design. It has a flying eagle, 17 stars, and the traditional text of E Pluribus Unum – United States of America – One Dollar. The front of the coin says LIBERTY and In God We Trust. There will be a P, D, or S mint mark under the year. And the back of each coin also has the initials TDR for Thomas D. Rogers Sr, the mint sculptor and engraver.